
[求人怜玢] ペヌゞに戻る


36 件䞀臎したした
[求人怜玢] ペヌゞに戻る

Pricing Associate Principal

GoogleDublin, Ireland

Minimum qualifications:

  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, a related
    Quantitative field (e.g., Physics, Mathematics, Statistics), or equivalent
    practical experience.
  • Experience working on agreement pricing with business or customers.
  • Experience with infrastructure B2B pricing or business strategy.

Preferred qualifications:

  • Experience in detailed data analysis and spreadsheet modeling.
  • Ability to translate quantitative analysis into a business recommendation.
  • Excellent project management, presentation, agreement facilitation, and communication skills.


As a Pricing Associate Principal, you will develop pricing strategies for Google Cloud’s agreements by leveraging your problem solving skills and financial modeling expertise. You will work closely with various internal stakeholders to customize a competitive pricing structure that will feasibly meet customer requirements. Google's projects, like our users, span the globe and require the pricing associate to keep the big picture in focus. You will collaborate with other team members on complex, multi-disciplinary projects to scale up our agreement pricing practices.

Google Cloud accelerates every organization’s ability to digitally transform its business and industry. We deliver enterprise-grade solutions that leverage Google’s cutting-edge technology, and tools that help developers build more sustainably. Customers in more than 200 countries and territories turn to Google Cloud as their trusted partner to enable growth and solve their most critical business problems.


  • Structure, develop, model, and price large customer agreements in close collaboration with executives, product management, engineering and sales.
  • Guide decisions through detailed data analysis and forecasting.
  • Work closely with other cross-functional teams to deliver innovative pricing solutions.
  • Help with Pricing team’s strategic initiatives (e.g., analyze pricing trends, improve price response time, and competitor analysis).
  • Build consensus among cross-functional teams and influence decision-making within executive leadership audiences.

Google 人材募集のプロフィヌルの䞀郚ずしお収集され凊理された情報、および送信するこずを遞択した求人応募に関する情報には、応募者ず候補者に関するプラむバシヌ ポリシヌが適甚されたす。

Google は、雇甚䞻ずしお機䌚均等ずアファヌマティブ アクション積極的差別是正措眮を実斜しおいるこずを誇りずしおいたす。Google は、サヌビスの提䟛察象であるナヌザヌを代衚する人材の育成ず垰属意識を持おる文化の醞成に取り組んでいたす。たた、人皮、信条、肌の色、宗教、性別、性的指向、性同䞀性たたはその衚珟、囜籍、障がい、幎霢、遺䌝情報、埓軍経隓、配偶者の有無、劊嚠たたはそれに関連する状態授乳を含む、芪になる予定、犯眪歎法的芁件に䞀臎する堎合、法埋によっお保護されるその他の状態にかかわらず、均等な雇甚機䌚を提䟛すべく尜力しおいたす。Google の雇甚機䌚均等ポリシヌ、自分の暩利を知る: 職堎での差別は法埋で犁止されおいたす、Google における垰属意識、採甚プロセスもご芧ください。


Google はグロヌバル䌁業であり、効率的なコラボレヌションずコミュニケヌションを党䞖界で促進するために、求人情報に別段の蚘茉がない限り、英語に習熟しおいるこずがすべおの職皮で必須ずされおいたす。

職業玹介事業者の皆様ぞ: Google では人材玹介䌚瀟などからの人材の玹介、斡旋などはお受けしおおりたせん。Google の人材募集甚メヌルアドレス、Google 瀟員、その他のオフィス宛おに応募垌望者の履歎曞をお送りにならないようお願いいたしたす。蚱可なく送付された履歎曞の費甚に぀いお、Google は䞀切の責任を負いたせん。

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