
Here are the details for the selected job. You may need to scroll down to see all the information about the job, including the job description. If you wish to apply for this job click on the Apply button. WARNING: Always be on the lookout for job scams! Learn more about identity theft Opens in new window

Onsite - Work onsite all of the time
Job Summary
Between $34.87 and
Per Hour
Position range in Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL Metropolitan Statistical Area $17.87 - $27.90 Per hour
Shipyard Outside Machinist Foreman - 2nd Shift (3057039-182262) Gulf Marine Repair Corporation Occupation: Machinists
Location: Tampa, FL - 33605 Positions available: 1
Job #: 12390265 Work At Home option: No
Posted: 4/12/2024 Updated: 4/16/2024 Expires: 7/15/2024
Source: Employ Florida Site: Employ Florida Agency Job ID: 3310681

Vets Medallion Award
Vets Medallion Award Year Award Action
No records found

Job Requirements
Job Properties
Job Description
Employer Research

Gulf Marine Repair Corporation
Is a Private Sector employer

Company Profile:
Gulf Marine is a full-service shipyard with over fifty years of ship repair knowledge and experience.

At Gulf Marine we can serve all of your vessel needs and requirements from the smallest topside jobs to dry dockings. Our services run the gamut from plate renewal to ocean going barge double hull conversion design and installation, from fender repair to Bludworth, Intercon or JAK-coupler installation, from valve repair to complete cargo, ballast or heating oil system design and installation, from repainting a handrail to complete hull or internal blasting and coating, from polishing a propeller to fabrication of propulsion shafting and installation, from changing a light bulb to designing and installing a new electrical system.

Competitive pricing, quality work and on-time delivery is the customer's goal and Gulf Marine's promise. Surprises should be left for birthdays and holidays, not for the end of a job. With this in mind, Gulf Marine quotes prices that accurately reflect the scope and quality of work to be preformed. Throughout each job we never forget the customer and we keep everyone involved apprised of the work performance and costs.

The real key to Gulf Marine's success is its people - operating personnel, with many years of varied experience, who know how to realize the potential in each other. Our yard works seven days a week around the clock if necessary to take care of our customers' needs. Our people take pride in their abilities and the accomplishment of a job well done.

Company Promise
At Gulf Marine our team strives to provide our customers with competitive pricing, quality work and on-time delivery.
100-249 employees

Jobs from this Employer


Location/Work Site Information
Compensation and Hours
Salary Range: $34.87 - $36.50 Hour DOE (Depends on Experience) Benefits Provided: 401K, Dental, Holidays, Life Insurance, Medical, Other, Retirement/Pension, Sick Leave, Stock Options, Vacation, Vision Other Benefits: Not Available Full or Part Time: Full Time (30 Hours or More) Job Duration: Over 150 Days Type of Job: Regular
Day Shift
Evening/Swing Shift
Night/Graveyard Shift
Night/Graveyard Shift
Rotating Shift
Split Shift
Split Shift
Flexible Shift
Hours per Week:
Hours Not Specified

View what local employers are paying Machinists

Work Experience
Minimum Experience Required: 60 months
Education and Training
Minimum Education Level Required: No Minimum Education Requirement
Required License/Certification: No

Related Education Opportunities
Skills Required
Occupation Information

Jobs Available

This section shows the number of job openings advertised online in Hillsborough County, FL for Machinists and for the related occupational group of Production Occupations on June 10, 2024 (Jobs De-duplication Level 2).
This table contains Occupation, and Job Openings
Occupation Job Openings
Machinists 11
Production Occupations 510
There were 11 job openings advertised online in Hillsborough County, FL for Machinists on June 10, 2024. There are also 510 job openings advertised online for the related occupation group of Production Occupations in Hillsborough County, FL on June 10, 2024.
Source: Online advertised jobs data

Career Ladder
Personal Requirements
Nature of the Work