research position in Division of Cardiology University of Maryland
A full time Post-Doctoral fellowship position
is available in the laboratory of Dr. Steven Fisher in the Division of
Cardiology at the University of Maryland-Baltimore as of April 1, 2019. The federally
funded project examines vascular smooth muscle gene expression and
contractility in the regulation of blood flow in development and disease
models. The focus is on the myosin phosphatase (MP), a critical target of
signals that regulate blood flow. Experiments will test the hypothesis that
editing of MP lowers blood pressure in models of hypertension and heart
failure, and will determine the mechanism(s) by which it does so. The post-doc
will perform experiments in animal models using Cre-Lox and AAV-Crispr/Cas9
editing of MP in vivo. The AAV-Crispr/Cas9 approach of editing is in pre-clinical
development as a novel therapy for humans with hypertension and heart failure. Applicants
are required to have a Ph.D. or M.D. and expertise in techniques of cell and molecular
biology. Familiarity with experimental techniques required for the study of
small blood vessels is preferred but not required.
interested please email a CV, a short statement of research interests, and the
names and contact information for three references to:
Steven Fisher, MD, Professor of Medicine
and Physiology, at .