Job Posting

Job Opening Information School Bus Monitors

Application Deadline

Position Title
School Bus Monitors
Required Application Type
Teacher / Admin
Salary/Pay Scale
Minimum $15.50/hour per WNIEA contract
Job Description

School Bus Monitor – 1 Position available

5 Hours/day, 25 hours/week


DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Rides the school bus to assist the driver in maintaining order and ensuring student safety. Supervises the loading and unloading of the school bus at various stopping points; does related work as required.


SALARY: $15.50/Hour per WNIEA Contract of agreement.  Current WNIEA contract provides for FREE Health Insurance immediately upon hire.


Civil Service Title
School Bus Monitors
Job Qualifications

Proficiency in understanding and following simple oral and written directions; demonstrated ability to effectively manage children's behavior while earning their respect; dependability; physical condition commensurate with the position.


NOTE: All school bus monitors, and school bus attendants shall be at least 19 years of age as per Section 8 NYCRR 156.3 c2 of the New York State Education Law.

Application Procedure

Please apply online via Seneca County Civil Service:  Please make sure to choose Waterloo School as the municipality you are applying for.


Questions may be referred to the Transportation Office at 315-539-1515.

Job Category
Job Location

You cannot apply for this position online. Please see instructions included in the job posting.

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