Application Deadline3/28/2025
School Bus Monitor – 1 Position available
5 Hours/day, 25 hours/week
DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Rides the school bus to assist the driver in maintaining order and ensuring student safety. Supervises the loading and unloading of the school bus at various stopping points; does related work as required.
SALARY: $15.50/Hour per WNIEA Contract of agreement. Current WNIEA contract provides for FREE Health Insurance immediately upon hire.
Proficiency in understanding and following simple oral and written directions; demonstrated ability to effectively manage children's behavior while earning their respect; dependability; physical condition commensurate with the position.
NOTE: All school bus monitors, and school bus attendants shall be at least 19 years of age as per Section 8 NYCRR 156.3 c2 of the New York State Education Law.
Please apply online via Seneca County Civil Service: Please make sure to choose Waterloo School as the municipality you are applying for.
Questions may be referred to the Transportation Office at 315-539-1515.