Specic for Local: Evaluate and validate new Real Estate opportunies and prepare required detailed
presentaon for Country manager to assess
Specic for Local: Develop and maintain strong strategic working relaonships with all local Landlords
and Agents
Specic for Local: Manage the Shop Validaon Report (SVR) process; collect required commercial
details, gather feedback for sales projecons, share and validate the report with relevant pares share
with the commiee, and ensure its approval
Specic for Local: Develop and maintain accurate Lease Tenancy Schedule covering the details of all of
our stores/oces/warehouses and the Lease/Legal commitments that are included in the lease
Specic for Local: Establish a competor analysis market map by Brand on regular basis in order to
map where our competors are trading to determine potenal gaps in our expansion
Specic for Local: Assist in scoung prime and anchor locaons (including driving streets, meeng
landlords/agents/brokers) as well as maintain an accurate market map
Specic for Regional: Develop, implement and upgrade a real estate system supporng and
maintaining unied business standards increasing the quality and operaonal eciency of service
Specic for Regional: Review and validate all output (parcular of lease) provided ensuring its
alignment with commercial agreement, budgetary requirements and any previously agreed special
condions with major tenants
Specic for Regional: Provide regional administrave support to the Real Estate Management as
required for the successful validaon and management of commercial and legal leasing terms with the
aim to ensure the viability of the business and meet its overall objecves
Specic for Regional: Develop performance metrics and reporng tools ensuring mely achievement of
business objecves and encouraging improvement, eecveness and appropriate levels of control