Open Positions for Western Dubuque Community Schools

Openings as of 2/13/2025

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Openings as of 2/13/2025

    Substitute Interpreter - Spanish JobID: 1598
  • Position Type:
      Substitute/Substitute Interpreter

  • Date Posted:

  • Location:
      District Wide


    Job Summary:  Substitute Spanish Interpreters are needed district-wide to assist Spanish speaking student/s with classroom activities and work, including homework, when one of our Spanish Interpreter employees is absent. Substitute Interpreters might also need to assist in the translation of materials from English to Spanish and serve as a communicator between student, parent, staff and administration.

    Required Qualifications:  High school diploma or GED and must be fluent in both English and Spanish.

    NOTE:  This is an "as needed" position. Hours and days depend on the needs of the schools and therefore a set number of hours and days is not guaranteed?.


    For more information, call Dan Wendler at (563) 663-9443


Postings current as of 2/13/2025 7:11:37 AM CST.

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