Georgia Transmission Corporation

Co-op, Transmission Planning (Bulk)

  • Posted 07-May-2024 (EST)
  • 2100 East Exchange Place, Tucker, GA 30084, USA
  • Hourly
  • Part Time

Fall, 2025 Co-op NEEDED

Students must be a part of the school's Co-op/Intern Program with a 2.7 GPA and can work 40 hours a week for 14 weeks in the Spring. This is not a remote position. Please submit an Unofficial Transcript along with a Resume when applying.

The Bulk System Planning department performs the transmission planning activities of the Corporation by conducting transmission planning studies, evaluating alternative transmission expansion plans, and initiating capital projects to construct and/or modify high-voltage transmission facilities.

Co-op students will obtain practical transmission planning experience by performing value-added tasks designed to support senior engineers and department deliverables, provide insight into the structure and function of the bulk electric power system in Georgia, and develop the ability of the student to analyze technical power flow models.

Job Duties Include:

•Verification and communication of thermal ratings of electrical equipment
•Power flow model validation and load flow simulations
•Development of Python scripts to modify power flow models
•Maintenance of electric facility databases
•Initiation of capital construction projects for high-voltage electric facilities

Job duties are subject to be adjusted depending on department needs, student experience level, and student learning objectives. Students will receive hands-on training and support from senior staff and will have opportunities to gain experience in multiple aspects of transmission planning including power flow modeling, generation interconnections, power transfer analysis, etc.

Desired Skills: Computer proficiency, good written & verbal communication, electric power systems, computer programming skills.

Desired Major(s): Electrical Engineering preferred (related engineering disciplines will be considered)

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