Security Officer - Farrell, PA
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Dedicated and mature applicants required to provide security for large hospital facilty in Farrell, Greenville, PA.
Duties include foot patrols, monitoring room, maintain and enforce security on the premises,daily logs, keen observations, responding to emergencies. Applicants must complete thorough screening, drug testing, basic comprehesive testing.

Great opportunity for advancement.
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Company Information
Name: Point Security Company, Inc.
Description: Provider of uniformed security officer services to a diverse list of clients, including hospitals, industry, post-secondary schools, airports, etc.
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Application Information
Instructions: Email Application To:
Fax Application To: 724-755-0360

Mail Application To:
4 S 4th Street
Youngwood, PA 15697

Apply In Person At:
4 S 4th Street
Youngwood, PA 15697

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