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Onsite - Work onsite all of the time
Job Summary
Between $15.00 and
Per Hour
Position range in Missouri $21.93 - $33.17 Per hour
Advertising Sales Representative Continental Siding Supply Occupation: Advertising Sales Agents
Location: Columbia, MO - 65201 Positions available: 2
Job #: 13686804 Work At Home option: No
Posted: 4/26/2024 Updated: 5/1/2024 Expires: 6/25/2024
Source: MoJobs Site: MoJobs Agency Job ID: 001

Vets Medallion Award
Vets Medallion Award Year Award Action
No records found

Job Requirements
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Job Description
Employer Research

Continental Siding Supply
Is a Private Sector employer with 2 locations

Company Profile:

Love What You Do For A Living - Continental Siding’s mission for our team is to help each other love what we do for a living! We provide each team member Confidence in their Team, Pride in their Work and Peace Of mind for their future. Just imagine if you actually had confidence in your team, pride in your work and peace of mind for your future you’d love what you’re doing for a living, just like we do. While a lot of companies are struggling to maintain staff, we’ve been growing! By working hard for one another as we serve our customers we are creating an engaging and fulfilling team culture where each team member is seen, valued, and provided the resources they need to succeed. Combining our patented American made products with our incredible team we will redefine the quality standards of our entire industry and have meaningful impact in the communities we serve. If you want to be a part of a company that cares much more about HOW we do business than how much business we do, come join the growing team at Continental Siding. 

Continental Siding Has Been in the Kansas City Area Since 1982
And has grown to Columbia, MO, Springfield, MO, Wichita, KS, and Oklahoma City, OK.

Ever since our founding in 1982, Continental Siding has grown from a “Mom and Pop siding shop” into a pioneer of the home siding industry. We are proud to be a homegrown company with deep American roots, built from the ground up, right here in Independence, Missouri. We serve 5 locations: Independence, MO, Columbia, MO, Springfield, MO, Wichita, KS, and Oklahoma City, OK. In the early days, our founder Jerry O’Neal ran the operation out of his garage and provided the same siding installation service offered by many other siding companies. However, he began to take note of the feedback provided from his customers. The customer’s feedback paved the way for some important developments that would separate Continental Siding from the rest of the pack. In 2019, Jerry O’Neal sold his company to his long-term protégé and business partner, Alec Cook. As the owner of Continental Siding, Alec Cook’s vision for the future is to fulfill the potential that Continental Siding has, which is to redefine the quality standards of our entire industry with our patented products.

How Continental Siding Became Kansas City’s Premier Home Improvement Company?
Jerry O’Neal wanted to find a way to address several problems that had plagued the siding industry for decades, such as sub-par products, ineffective installation methods, and inflated price tags. He felt that his customers deserved better, which is why he invented and patented an innovative siding installation technique called the Perma-Strate Wall System®. This system features a roll-formed steel bar affixed to the nailing fin, which effectively uses the strength and rigidity of steel to firmly hold the siding in place, while also allowing it to properly expand and contract with seasonal weather changes.    Jerry also began manufacturing his own seamless polymer siding, a business decision that allowed him to have more control over the quality of the siding he was installing for his customers. What’s more, by manufacturing our own siding, Continental Siding has been able to cut out the middleman markups and ultimately provide our customers with a higher quality product for a significantly lower price. Patented installation methods, higher quality siding materials, and factory direct pricing for homeowners are huge contributions that Jerry made to the company during his 36 years as owner.

However, much of the potential set forth by Jerry’s impressive products and installation techniques were not able to truly be fulfilled until Continental Siding owner Alec Cook came into the picture. When Jerry O’Neal and Alec Cook became partners, Continental Siding got the best of both worlds; Jerry’s patented products combined with Alec’s vision for the future and his ability to build an amazing company around those products by attracting and leading the best team of talented people in our industry. Alec always says, “I care much more about how we do business than how much business we do,” a motto that has ironically made us become bigger than ever because what started in Jerry’s garage all those years ago has grown into multiple locations across the Midwest and more than 50,000 satisfied customers served.  We’re proud to have received numerous industry awards and five-star reviews over the years that speak to the impeccable quality of our products and services. We know that if we continue to help our customers love their home that our customers will continue to refer their friends, family, and neighbors to us, which will help us continue to love what we do for a living. 

Transition of Ownership
In 2009, Alec Cook came in for an interview and impressed Jerry O’Neal so much that he was offered a job on the spot. At the time, Alec was only 22 years old but Jerry already saw potential in him that led to him becoming the general manager of the entire company at age 27. Alec Cook worked side by side with Jerry for many years, during which Alec built a vision to fulfill the unique potential of the company. Since taking full ownership of the company two years ago, Alec has provided the leadership necessary for Continental Siding to maintain its remarkably high record of customer satisfaction, as well as achieve many other accomplishments, proving his dedication to this company and community.

While Jerry and his wife Patricia built a small Mom and Pop siding shop with only a few dozen employees and installers, it was Alec’s leadership as an employee and now as owner that has allowed Continental Siding to truly thrive. Under Alec’s guidance, we have cultivated a team that is comprised of people who love what they do and they are a large part of the success we’ve had in every city we’ve opened in. While Jerry’s impressive products have always attracted new customers, it’s Alec’s leadership that has brought in high-quality employees to join our ever-growing team.

From day one, Continental Siding has been focused on meeting the needs of all Kansas City homeowners.Now we are meeting the needs of homeowners in and around these 5 locations: Independence, MO, Columbia, MO, Springfield, MO, Wichita, KS, and Oklahoma City, OK. Under the ownership of Alec Cook, that potential is continuing into the future. Above all else, Continental Siding is committed to helping local residents love their homes and helping employees love what they do for a living.



100-249 employees
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Location/Work Site Information
Compensation and Hours
Salary Range: $15.00 - $16.00 Hour Salary + Bonus Benefits Provided: 401K, Dental, Holidays, Life Insurance, Medical, Sick Leave, Vacation, Vision Other Benefits: Not Available Full or Part Time: Full Time (30 Hours or More) Job Duration: Over 150 Days Type of Job: Regular
Shift: Not Applicable
Hours per Week:
Hours Vary

View what local employers are paying Advertising Sales Agents

Work Experience
Minimum Experience Required: Not Specified
Education and Training
Minimum Education Level Required: High School Diploma or Equivalent
Required License/Certification: No

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Occupation Information

Jobs Available

This section shows the number of job openings advertised online in Boone County, MO for Advertising Sales Agents and for the related occupational group of Sales and Related Occupations on June 4, 2024 (Jobs De-duplication Level 2).
This table contains Occupation, and Job Openings
Occupation Job Openings
Advertising Sales Agents 1
Sales and Related Occupations 187
There were 1 job openings advertised online in Boone County, MO for Advertising Sales Agents on June 4, 2024. There are also 187 job openings advertised online for the related occupation group of Sales and Related Occupations in Boone County, MO on June 4, 2024.
Source: Online advertised jobs data

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